Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a frequently used method in the basic sciences, health sciences and engineering fields by defining the bonds in the structure of molecules. The basis of this method is based on the absorption of the infrared rays, which are reduced on the intracellular bonds, by the vibrations and rotational movements of the bonds. However, this phenomenon is only observed in polar molecules with dipole moment.


IR spectrometer with ARUM can be used to irradiate solid state samples with potassium bromide (KBr) or directly by the ATR unit to obtain IR spectra. Direct IR spectra of liquid and gas samples can be obtained with ATR, attenuated total reflection unit, attenuated. With the diamond and germanium crystals used in the ATR unit, high-resolution IR spectra of different types of samples can be obtained, as well as temperature tests up to 300 ° C with the heating plate. IR spectrometry can be applied in almost every field as an indispensable device for both academic and industrial studies. In addition, thanks to a library of 22,000 spectra, some organic and inorganic molecules can be identified.


IR Device: Perkin Elmer Spectrum Two

ATR Unit: PIKE Gladi ATR Diamond and Crystals of Germanium

Spectrum Range: 8300 - 350 cm-1


Information to be Obtained by IR Analysis;

  • Determination of intracellular bonds,
  • Determination of molecular formula,
  • Examination of intracellular functional groups,
  • Unknown molecular assay with library scanning,
  • Quantification of the components in the sample by quantitative program.