In differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), as in DTA, a controlled temperature program (heating, cooling or holding at a constant temperature) is applied to the sample and reference cells, but here heat flow is made to the reference so that the temperature values ​​of both the sample and the reference are the same. The amount of heat added to the reference cell is equal to the amount of heat absorbed or released by the endothermic or exothermic reactions in the sample.


Besides the heating function, the DSC device in ARUM can also perform low temperature DSC tests by cooling the system with integrated liquid nitrogen cooling system up to -180 ° C. In addition, since the system has a power-compensation design that keeps the sample and reference in independent cells, both the sample and the reference can be kept at the same temperature. Thus, the smallest amount of heat delivered to the sample can be determined very precisely and with high accuracy even if the smallest temperature is formed between the sample and the reference.


DSC Device: Perkin Elmer DSC8000

Operating Temperature: (-180° C) - 750° C

Temperature Accuracy: ± 0,05° C

Temperature Sensitivity: ± 0.008 ° C

Heating Speed: 0.01 ° C / min. - 300 ° C / min.

Calorimetric Accuracy: <± 0,2%

Calorimetric Precision: <± 0.03%


Information to be Obtained by DSC;

  • Enthalpy Values,
  • Melting Temperature Determination (Tm),
  • Determination of Crystallization Temperatures,
  • Determination of glass transition temperature (Tg),
  • Heat capacity (Cp) Determination,
  • Calculation of crystallization energy.